Saturday, October 31, 2009

My first meeting...kind of...

Apparently Halloween is not a huge day for people to join or attend a Weight Watchers meeting. Go figure. I am not sure if I like Weight Watchers in the digital age. I said I wanted to join and the receptionist said, "Is this your first time or have you been a member before?" I muttered under my breath, "I have been here before." She asked for my name, looked me up and cheerfully said, "We already have you in the system...we can just continue this file."

Drats. I wanted anonymity. I wanted a NEW file. I wanted a clean slate. I know I have been a member 26 separate times...but this time is different. I mean it receptionist lady with the mocking computer. Who convinced Weight Watchers the reams of paper was outdated? Those clipboards were what made you vintage....even retro. Deep breath. Moving on.

I sit down and the usual characters are there. You know them, too. The enthusiastic achiever who has never gained and is full of loud applause and weight loss cheer. The token guy who rules the roost because there is no other man within a two mile radius and he hit his goal weight twice as fast as the rest of the room. The oversharing expert who tells you that she hasn't been in 9 months but still lost and is upset because her fat sister got Lap-Band, gained all the weight back, and isn't journalling. If only her sister would journal. I summarized - that took 20 minutes of meeting time. Missing this week was the nursuing mother with the screaming child, the mother/daughter, husband/wife, and best friend regulars. Oh yes, what about me...I was there - the jaded but still hopeful rejoiner who sits, listens, and vows that this is the last time.

What did I get out of the meeting? That I need to follow the healthy guidelines and a great pumpkin smoothie recipe. I stopped by the store for some high demand, short supply pumpkin and enjoyed it with my tasty black bean burger. This smoothie is only 2 points and DELICIOUS.

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

1/2 cup of skim milk
1/2 cup of pumpkin
1 packet Carnation Instant Breakfast Vanilla sugar-free drink packet
Pumpkin pie spice (to taste)
1 packet of Splenda

Blend together and enjoy!

Let's toast and drink to the LAST first meeting....

Day 1: The first step...

It has finally come - the first day of the last time I join Weight Watchers. This is IT people. I am slightly mortified to post these pictures. Oh goodness gracious. The first picture is what I would normally post - on Facebook, on a dating site, wherever a picture should be posted. Positioned perfectly - neck out, from above, chest up. Not bad, right?

Unfortunately, I can't edit like this in real life. Nope, I actually have to take my body places with me. I actually have a body even if no one online has seen it.

Brace yourselves people, here we go. The full body shot - without a jacket, flattering posture, or Photoshop. Ok people, guess where I put most of those 100 pounds......MY HIPS, THIGHS, and BUTT. I volunteered at an inner city outreach once and a kid walked behind me singing, "Too much booty in the pants." The hips don't lie.

I was really afraid you would think that I went out looking like this so I wanted to give you one final shot of my full weigh-in outfit. TADA!

Here we go....