Saturday, December 5, 2009

A SHOCKING weigh-in

I lost .8 pounds. Folks, that is what we call a miracle. I wasn't crazy eating or anything; I just wasn't exercising and was consistently going over points. Glad I went and found that out so I could stop stressing myself out.

I am back on track. I need to figure out the exercise thing...I need consistency. I have priced out a treadmill but have put off buying it for four months. I am afraid I will buy it and never use it. Worse yet, I am afraid I will buy it and it will blow out the power in my 1950s, never been rewired, home. I realize the last is a fairly insane fear...but I have it nonetheless.

What to do? What to do? I could rejoin a gym but I just don't seem to want to leave my house when I finally get home...I so rarely get to be at home.



  1. .8 IS WONDERFUL! Maybe if you don't want to buy your treadmill right now, how about exercise DVD's?

  2. Yes, I think I am going to dust off the WATP DVDs....
