Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New You...not really...

Who wrote the tagline, "New Year, New You?" I am a writer and have been in marketing/sales for years so I can see the meeting in my mind and they were so proud when this one came up. Unfortunately, it has saddled us with very unrealistic expectations. I am not a new person today. I am the same person and I rejoice in that thought.

Sure, I have areas where I need to grow, learn, and improve. There are parts of my life that remain a work in progress. There are even things that will be a work in progress as long as I am on this side of the grave. We are works in progress...constantly growing and changing. This year, I want to focus on the positive in my life. I am so blessed. I have grown so much in the last 10 years and like who I see when I look in the mirror. I would love to be several pounds lighter but that will not be the focus of 2010. The focus will be on gratitude, joy, and relationships.

Yes, I will continue with healthy eating and working out. I will tomorrow and get on the scale at Weight Watchers and will continue to move forward with losing weight. The difference is that I will not allow it to dominate my life. I will let it enhance my life and when it begins to dominate my thoughts and cause me to hate myself, I will stop, re-read this post, and move on.

You are beautiful. You, dear reader. Today. Not when you lose 20 pounds. Not when to get (fill in the blank) fixed. Not when you grow your hair out or get six pack abs. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL TODAY. You are exactly where you should be today. Look around, enjoy the good and start making steps towards more good. Rejoice. You get another year of goodness.

God loves you, dear reader, and so do I. Happy New Year!

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