Saturday, January 2, 2010

On My Way....

On my way to the first meeting in 3 or so weeks. Duh, duh, duh. I have no scale so I have no idea where I will be. I could be back at Square 1.....or worse...oh, please not worse. You know what I am most concerned about - the reaction of the women in the center. I realize this is a completely self-centered thought. Why would these women CARE that I have been gone three weeks during Christmas and gained weight? However, there's a spirit of "all those slackers who disappear until the new year will be back" at the meetings during the holidays so I have that branded on my brain. I've been one of the prideful thinking, "They are so self-deceived. They should have stuck it out." This year, I just didn't want to think about points, food, etc. I don't think I went crazy but I wanted to enjoy my holiday and not be mentally preoccupied with the program. I'm ok with it. Still, the time has come. The end is here. We need to focus on implementing a little more structure and discipline.

The challenge with my brother-in-law also starts today. Mama could use some extra $$$ - she has some redecorating she'd like to do. I decided I needed a creative outlet for the New Year so I decided to redecorate my living room/dining room/kitchen. They need it anyway (carpet that is bubbling, too small table for my entertaining needs, cracked tile floor and hunter green counter tops.) It will give me something to focus on other than food/eating/exercising.

Ok, I have to blow dry my hair because I don't want the weight of the extra water in my hair (LOL). Don't pretend you haven't thought it as you survey your underwear, bra, pants, and top weight.

Love you crazy WWs.

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